Belonging - The Gateway to Successful DEI

When:  Nov 30, 2021 from 13:00 to 14:00 (CT)

Belonging - The Gateway to Successful DEI
Tuesday, November 30 1:00pm CST


BELONGING defines sense of inclusion. Without it, an organization stands no chance of nurturing a diverse team. 

Join Jackson Nickerson, Emeritus Professor of Organization & Strategy at Washington University’s Olin Business School and long-time faculty member of MSCI’s proprietary Strategic Metals Management program  Bob Weidner, President & CEO, MSCI, at our November DEI Leadership virtual fireside. Jackson examines belonging which is essential to success or failure in their pursuit of organizational excellence.

Jackson will share:

  • ·       how fostering belonging is the key to productivity increases, employee attraction and retention
  • ·       how leaders can incorporate belonging to their management style to run meetings, interact and communicate with their team
  • ·       how everyone has unique triggers and how to avoid triggers that we don’t know exist

MSCI remains firmly committed to bringing its members fresh, meaningful, and relevant content in 2021 albeit virtually. This monthly dialogue on DEI leadership allows every member company’s associates (regardless of title, functional responsibilities, physical location, or time in the metals industry) the opportunity to hear perspective on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Every person in the metals industry will benefit from thought leadership on this most important topic.